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 A Breath Before Surfacing - Death is Swallowed in Victory

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Poeta do Caos

Poeta do Caos

Número de Mensagens : 826
Data de inscrição : 19/10/2006

A Breath Before Surfacing - Death is Swallowed in Victory Empty
MensagemAssunto: A Breath Before Surfacing - Death is Swallowed in Victory   A Breath Before Surfacing - Death is Swallowed in Victory Icon_minitimeSáb Jul 19, 2008 2:57 pm

A Breath Before Surfacing - Death is Swallowed in Victory 2uejqqd

1. Summoning the Lord of the Pit 00:51
2. Trollz 03:01
3. Disharmony Among Choirs 04:24
4. Ray Road 04:54
5. Cosmetic Abomination 04:12
6. Writhing 03:03
7. Just What the Monster Ordered 04:06
8. Looking into the Sun Without Going Blind 04:20
9. A Night in Terror Tower 03:03
10. Trainwreck 04:19
11. Death is Swallowed in Victory 04:29

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A Breath Before Surfacing - Death is Swallowed in Victory
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